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294 lines
File: ASRegistry.p
Contains: AppleScript Registry constants.
Version: Technology: AppleScript 1.1
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
{$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 0}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}
UNIT ASRegistry;
{$SETC ASRegistryIncludes := UsingIncludes}
{$SETC UsingIncludes := 1}
{$I AppleEvents.p}
{$I AERegistry.p}
{$I AEObjects.p}
keyAETarget = 'targ'; { 0x74617267 }
keySubjectAttr = 'subj'; { 0x7375626a }
{ Magic 'returning' parameter: }
keyASReturning = 'Krtn'; { 0x4b72746e }
{ AppleScript Specific Codes: }
kASAppleScriptSuite = 'ascr'; { 0x61736372 }
kASTypeNamesSuite = 'tpnm'; { 0x74706e6d }
{ dynamic terminologies }
typeAETE = 'aete'; { 0x61657465 }
typeAEUT = 'aeut'; { 0x61657574 }
kGetAETE = 'gdte'; { 0x67647465 }
kGetAEUT = 'gdut'; { 0x67647574 }
kUpdateAEUT = 'udut'; { 0x75647574 }
kUpdateAETE = 'udte'; { 0x75647465 }
kCleanUpAEUT = 'cdut'; { 0x63647574 }
kASComment = 'cmnt'; { 0x636d6e74 }
kASLaunchEvent = 'noop'; { 0x6e6f6f70 }
keyScszResource = 'scsz'; { 0x7363737A }
typeScszResource = 'scsz'; { 0x7363737A }
{ subroutine calls }
kASSubroutineEvent = 'psbr'; { 0x70736272 }
keyASSubroutineName = 'snam'; { 0x736e616d }
{ Operator Events: }
{ Binary: }
kASAdd = '+ '; { 0x2b202020 }
kASSubtract = '- '; { 0x2d202020 }
kASMultiply = '* '; { 0x2a202020 }
kASDivide = '/ '; { 0x2f202020 }
kASQuotient = 'div '; { 0x64697620 }
kASRemainder = 'mod '; { 0x6d6f6420 }
kASPower = '^ '; { 0x5e202020 }
kASEqual = '= ';
kASNotEqual = '!= '; { 0xad202020 }
kASGreaterThan = '> ';
kASGreaterThanOrEqual = '>= ';
kASLessThan = '< ';
kASLessThanOrEqual = '<= ';
kASComesBefore = 'cbfr'; { 0x63626672 }
kASComesAfter = 'cafr'; { 0x63616672 }
kASConcatenate = 'ccat'; { 0x63636174 }
kASStartsWith = 'bgwt';
kASEndsWith = 'ends';
kASContains = 'cont';
kASAnd = 'AND ';
kASOr = 'OR '; { Unary: }
kASNot = 'NOT ';
kASNegate = 'neg '; { 0x6e656720 }
keyASArg = 'arg '; { 0x61726720 }
{ event code for the 'error' statement }
kASErrorEventCode = 'err '; { 0x65727220 }
kOSAErrorArgs = 'erra'; { 0x65727261 }
{ Properties: }
pLength = 'leng'; { 0x6c656e67 }
pReverse = 'rvse'; { 0x72767365 }
pRest = 'rest'; { 0x72657374 }
pInherits = 'c@#^'; { 0x6340235e }
{ User-Defined Record Fields: }
keyASUserRecordFields = 'usrf'; { 0x75737266 }
typeUserRecordFields = 'list';
{ Prepositions: }
keyASPrepositionAt = 'at '; { 0x61742020 }
keyASPrepositionIn = 'in '; { 0x696e2020 }
keyASPrepositionFrom = 'from'; { 0x66726f6d }
keyASPrepositionFor = 'for '; { 0x666f7220 }
keyASPrepositionTo = 'to '; { 0x746f2020 }
keyASPrepositionThru = 'thru'; { 0x74687275 }
keyASPrepositionThrough = 'thgh'; { 0x74686768 }
keyASPrepositionBy = 'by '; { 0x62792020 }
keyASPrepositionOn = 'on '; { 0x6f6e2020 }
keyASPrepositionInto = 'into'; { 0x696e746f }
keyASPrepositionOnto = 'onto'; { 0x6f6e746f }
keyASPrepositionBetween = 'btwn'; { 0x6274776e }
keyASPrepositionAgainst = 'agst'; { 0x61677374 }
keyASPrepositionOutOf = 'outo'; { 0x6f75746f }
keyASPrepositionInsteadOf = 'isto'; { 0x6973746f }
keyASPrepositionAsideFrom = 'asdf'; { 0x61736466 }
keyASPrepositionAround = 'arnd'; { 0x61726e64 }
keyASPrepositionBeside = 'bsid'; { 0x62736964 }
keyASPrepositionBeneath = 'bnth'; { 0x626e7468 }
keyASPrepositionUnder = 'undr'; { 0x756e6472 }
keyASPrepositionOver = 'over'; { 0x6f766572 }
keyASPrepositionAbove = 'abve'; { 0x61627665 }
keyASPrepositionBelow = 'belw'; { 0x62656c77 }
keyASPrepositionApartFrom = 'aprt'; { 0x61707274 }
keyASPrepositionGiven = 'givn'; { 0x6769766e }
keyASPrepositionWith = 'with'; { 0x77697468 }
keyASPrepositionWithout = 'wout'; { 0x776f7574 }
keyASPrepositionAbout = 'abou'; { 0x61626f75 }
keyASPrepositionSince = 'snce'; { 0x736e6365 }
keyASPrepositionUntil = 'till'; { 0x74696c6c }
{ Terminology & Dialect things: }
kDialectBundleResType = 'Dbdl'; { 0x4462646c }
{ AppleScript Classes and Enums: }
cConstant = 'enum';
cClassIdentifier = 'pcls';
cObjectBeingExamined = 'exmn';
cList = 'list';
cSmallReal = 'sing';
cReal = 'doub';
cRecord = 'reco';
cReference = 'obj ';
cUndefined = 'undf'; { 0x756e6466 }
cSymbol = 'symb'; { 0x73796d62 }
cLinkedList = 'llst'; { 0x6c6c7374 }
cVector = 'vect'; { 0x76656374 }
cEventIdentifier = 'evnt'; { 0x65766e74 }
cKeyIdentifier = 'kyid'; { 0x6b796964 }
cUserIdentifier = 'uid '; { 0x75696420 }
cPreposition = 'prep'; { 0x70726570 }
cKeyForm = 'kfrm';
cScript = 'scpt'; { 0x73637074 }
cHandler = 'hand'; { 0x68616e64 }
cProcedure = 'proc'; { 0x70726f63 }
cClosure = 'clsr'; { 0x636c7372 }
cRawData = 'rdat'; { 0x72646174 }
cString = 'TEXT';
cStringClass = 'TEXT';
cNumber = 'nmbr'; { 0x6e6d6272 }
cListOrRecord = 'lr '; { 0x6c722020 }
cListOrString = 'ls '; { 0x6c732020 }
cListRecordOrString = 'lrs '; { 0x6c727320 }
cNumberOrDateTime = 'nd '; { 0x6e642020 }
cNumberDateTimeOrString = 'nds '; { 0x6e647320 }
cSeconds = 'scnd'; { 0x73636e64 }
enumBooleanValues = 'boov'; { 0x626f6f76 }
kAETrue = 'true';
kAEFalse = 'fals';
enumMiscValues = 'misc'; { 0x6d697363 }
kASCurrentApplication = 'cura'; { 0x63757261 }
{ User-defined property ospecs: }
formUserPropertyID = 'usrp'; { 0x75737270 }
{ Global properties: }
pASIt = 'it '; { 0x69742020 }
pASMe = 'me '; { 0x6d652020 }
pASResult = 'rslt'; { 0x72736c74 }
pASSpace = 'spac'; { 0x73706163 }
pASReturn = 'ret '; { 0x72657420 }
pASTab = 'tab '; { 0x74616220 }
pASPi = 'pi '; { 0x70692020 }
pASParent = 'pare'; { 0x70617265 }
kASInitializeEventCode = 'init'; { 0x696e6974 }
pASPrintLength = 'prln'; { 0x70726c6e }
pASPrintDepth = 'prdp'; { 0x70726470 }
pASTopLevelScript = 'ascr'; { 0x61736372 }
{ Considerations }
kAECase = 'case'; { 0x63617365 }
kAEDiacritic = 'diac'; { 0x64696163 }
kAEWhiteSpace = 'whit'; { 0x77686974 }
kAEHyphens = 'hyph'; { 0x68797068 }
kAEExpansion = 'expa'; { 0x65787061 }
kAEPunctuation = 'punc'; { 0x70756e63 }
kAEZenkakuHankaku = 'zkhk'; { 0x7a6b686b }
kAESmallKana = 'skna'; { 0x736b6e61 }
kAEKataHiragana = 'hika'; { 0x68696b61 }
{ AppleScript considerations: }
kASConsiderReplies = 'rmte'; { 0x726d7465 }
enumConsiderations = 'cons'; { 0x636f6e73 }
cCoercion = 'coec'; { 0x636f6563 }
cCoerceUpperCase = 'txup'; { 0x74787570 }
cCoerceLowerCase = 'txlo'; { 0x74786c6f }
cCoerceRemoveDiacriticals = 'txdc'; { 0x74786463 }
cCoerceRemovePunctuation = 'txpc'; { 0x74787063 }
cCoerceRemoveHyphens = 'txhy'; { 0x74786879 }
cCoerceOneByteToTwoByte = 'txex'; { 0x74786578 }
cCoerceRemoveWhiteSpace = 'txws'; { 0x74787773 }
cCoerceSmallKana = 'txsk'; { 0x7478736b }
cCoerceZenkakuhankaku = 'txze'; { 0x74787a65 }
cCoerceKataHiragana = 'txkh'; { 0x74786b68 }
{ Lorax things: }
cZone = 'zone'; { 0x7a6f6e65 }
cMachine = 'mach'; { 0x6d616368 }
cAddress = 'addr'; { 0x61646472 }
cRunningAddress = 'radd'; { 0x72616464 }
cStorage = 'stor'; { 0x73746f72 }
{ DateTime things: }
pASWeekday = 'wkdy'; { 0x776b6479 }
pASMonth = 'mnth'; { 0x6d6e7468 }
pASDay = 'day '; { 0x64617920 }
pASYear = 'year'; { 0x79656172 }
pASTime = 'time'; { 0x74696d65 }
pASDateString = 'dstr'; { 0x64737472 }
pASTimeString = 'tstr'; { 0x74737472 }
{ Months }
cMonth = 'mnth';
cJanuary = 'jan '; { 0x6a616e20 }
cFebruary = 'feb '; { 0x66656220 }
cMarch = 'mar '; { 0x6d617220 }
cApril = 'apr '; { 0x61707220 }
cMay = 'may '; { 0x6d617920 }
cJune = 'jun '; { 0x6a756e20 }
cJuly = 'jul '; { 0x6a756c20 }
cAugust = 'aug '; { 0x61756720 }
cSeptember = 'sep '; { 0x73657020 }
cOctober = 'oct '; { 0x6f637420 }
cNovember = 'nov '; { 0x6e6f7620 }
cDecember = 'dec '; { 0x64656320 }
{ Weekdays }
cWeekday = 'wkdy';
cSunday = 'sun '; { 0x73756e20 }
cMonday = 'mon '; { 0x6d6f6e20 }
cTuesday = 'tue '; { 0x74756520 }
cWednesday = 'wed '; { 0x77656420 }
cThursday = 'thu '; { 0x74687520 }
cFriday = 'fri '; { 0x66726920 }
cSaturday = 'sat '; { 0x73617420 }
{ AS 1.1 Globals: }
pASQuote = 'quot'; { 0x71756f74 }
pASSeconds = 'secs'; { 0x73656373 }
pASMinutes = 'min '; { 0x6d696e20 }
pASHours = 'hour'; { 0x686f7572 }
pASDays = 'days'; { 0x64617973 }
pASWeeks = 'week'; { 0x7765656b }
{ Writing Code things: }
cWritingCodeInfo = 'citl'; { 0x6369746c }
pScriptCode = 'pscd'; { 0x70736364 }
pLangCode = 'plcd'; { 0x706c6364 }
{ Magic Tell and End Tell events for logging: }
kASMagicTellEvent = 'tell'; { 0x74656c6c }
kASMagicEndTellEvent = 'tend'; { 0x74656e64 }
{$SETC UsingIncludes := ASRegistryIncludes}
{$IFC NOT UsingIncludes}